Recharge your body with a relaxing massage at your home!

Home Massage Service Jaco, Costa Rica Relax, and DIRFT away with a measure of 120 minutes of relaxation massage. Our bed is set and the state of the art meets the needs of your body, while a ritual towel enhances the experience.

Manicures are a weekly routine for some and an occasional treat. Regardless of the frequency, manicures provide more than one layer of nail polish. The benefits extend beyond good looks and provide lifestyle benefits such as stress relief, health,

Pedicure must take on an important mission to carry out their work, not keep your feet in the fall for the hype of his best conditions of professional responsibilities, both hygiene and care of injuries action on the skin, particularly recommendations.
Home Care Massage
Convenient and cheaper than a spa, Massage at home at your convenience, Our Massage therapy has been booming over the past 10 years in Jaco Beach. We are offer massage services and for any fitness centers and multidisciplinary health centers.
We are delivering the benefits of a massage directly in our house? We all know that massage therapy offers many benefits to our health.
The hot stone massage is a specialized massage where the therapist uses smooth, warm stones as an extension of his or her own hands or place them in the body.
What is a Deep tissue massage?
is designed to work the deepest muscles of the body, massage, and strong message of the outer layers of the body tissue that will cover a wide range of areas in the body including back, legs, and arms.
What is a relaxation massage?
Massage is that the therapist gently applies the average hand pressure to the body, gently manipulates the tissue to promote relaxation.